A theological question- What is the nature of Spirit?

If the Big Bang was not a random event but a purposeful event arising from outside spacetime (Spirit), then Spirit can be considered as the Creator of our Cosmos. What can we know about the Creator? Nothing that can be observed by science directly. But, perhaps, something of the nature of the Creator can be inferred from the nature of creation.

One of the most striking aspects of the material universe, aside from the fact that it had a beginning, is the fact that it is expanding and it has been doing so in accordance with the law of General Relativity from 10-32 seconds after its birth until the present day. The miraculously fine-tuned conditions that permit the material universe to have survived for 13.7 billion years were built into the singularity and the initial conditions of the Big Bang itself. The creative principles are still operative today in the form of physical laws that are knowable to human awareness through the observations and reasoning of science. There is no evidence that Spirit has ever interfered with or altered the creative principles instilled in spacetime from the time of its birth. It is only logical that Spirit, all that exists outside of spacetime, has no influence on that part of the material universe that exists completely within spacetime. There does remain, however, the mystery of how Spirit initiated the Big Bang – the mystery of Creation that is beyond human awareness and understanding.

But there is a part of creation that is not completely contained within spacetime – awareness. A thought may originate in the electromagnetic activity of the brain, but are thoughts or their products, ideas, completely material? Can they be measured or localized? Are our relationships with each other purely material? Is love purely material? Can the human appetite for the good, the true and the beautiful be completely explained by physics and chemistry?

From the dawn of human civilization people have given testimony to creation myths and to their belief in an afterlife not confined to spacetime. Human awareness came into its dualistic existence with one eye on the material world and one eye on the spirits. It is through awareness that Spirit, the Creator, influences and interacts with the material world of spacetime. This influence and interaction occurs through what we call inspiration or mystical experience.

For centuries the material eye of awareness has focused on the world around us and brought forth the beauty and wonders of science and art. At the same time the theologians of the world have focused awareness on inspiration and mysticism and brought forth the faiths and narratives (religious beliefs and ontologies) at the heart of the world’s cultures.The earliest consensus of the theologians is that Spirit is singular- the Creator, God, Allah, Brahman is the One and only.

If the theologies are true and the Creator is One, all theologies will arrive at the same truth. The theology I’m most familiar with is Christian theology. The inspiration at the heart of the Christian faith is that the Creator is Love itself. (1John 4, 16). Arguably the greatest of Christian theologians, Saint Thomas Aquinas reasoned in the Summa Theologica that “Truth is the equation of thought and thing” and so it follows that the Creator ” is Truth itself”. If awareness is the act of understanding producing the equation, it follows that Spirit, the Creator, is Awareness itself.

So the reason that Spirit can influence and interact with the material world through awareness is because Spirit is Awareness itself.

Another aspect of Christian theology that defines the nature of Spirit is the doctrine of the mystery of the Trinity that states that the Father,  the Son and the Holy Spirit all co-inhere as the One God. Generalizing this to the nature of Spirit just presented would argue that Spirit (the Creator, God, Allah, Brahman) is the co-inherence of Awareness, Truth, and Love as The One.

(This question is explored further in the three somewhat theological poems  “IHS”, “Flow of Creation” and “Ṛta” posted in November, 2011, on my Waypoints webpage.)

What is co-inherence, anyway?

The term co-inherence was coined by the English writer and theologian Charles Williams (1886-1945) to describe a concept that was central to his rather unorthodox theology. This concept was derived from the Christian mystery of the unity of God in the three persons of the Trinity. Williams extended this to the idea that the unity of mankind consisted of their analogous co-inherence with  each other. Williams believed this applied to all of mankind.

A limited definition of co-inherence has been given as “Things that exist in essential relationship with another, as innate components of the other.” I say “limited” because the phrase ” innate components” doesn’t fully capture, to my mind, the mysterious origins of the concept.

Williams’ original concept of co-inherence, as it related to Christian theology, can be expressed in the following diagram ( though I have added an unorthodox twist by identifying co-inherence with the Holy Spirit.) If Muslims took to heart the concept of co-inherence, they might understand that their God and the Christian God are one and the same.

                            Co-inherence (Holy Spirit)
                               =God, Allah

In the co-inherence diagrams given below I hope to provoke a sense of what I mean by the term co-inherence in a broader sense. Some of these (after a little meditation) may expose the mysterious nature of co-inherence but as someone who studies quantum physics, I have become quite accustomed to including mystery in my world view.

The initiation of the Big Bang is a mystery. Quantum entanglement is a mystery. Complementarity as exposed in Young’s double slit experiment is a mystery. The phenomenon of emergence in complex adaptive systems, such as the emergence of a self-aware mind from the network of synapses in the human brain, is a mystery. But these things all happen, and so might co-inherence.

               These parts                             These parts
                         Those parts                            Those parts
                            = Sum of the parts                   Co-inherence (Network)
                                                                                   =The Whole
                            Co-inherence (Love)
                               =The Self
                Me                 Me
                    You                 You
                     = Duality             Co-inherence (Love)
                               =The One
                                Co-inherence (Life)
                                    =The One
                            Co-inherence (Awareness)
                              Co-inherence (Love)
                         Co-inherence (Bliss)
                             =The One

More down to earth diagrams might be:

            Wave                               Wave
                 Photons                            Photons
                = Duality                                  Co-inherence (Field)
                            Co-inherence (Verb)

Perhaps you can suggest others.

Scientific Darshan

A darshan is a “vision of the divine”. It is the fundamental step in the development of what the philosophers call an ontolgy, the foundation of a “world view”. This blog will explore the development of an ontology and world view based on the darshan presented in the following poem, first published on August 10, 2011, on my webpage http://rogerhillonline.com/Waypoints.aspx . The meaning of this poem will be made clearer, I hope, as the blog develops.

                                 SCIENTIFIC DARSHAN
 The old darshan of the Upaniṣads is:
              Eham      Self                                  A
                  Etat         Not-Self                           U
                      Na            Negation                        M
                 =The Self is not the Not-Self            =AUM


 That is the darshan of a static Cosmos
where Being is.
Buddha’s clear eyes saw no relevance
for a Creator in a Cosmos both static and infinite.
His darshan for the Creator of such a Cosmos is
The old darshan for the Self has been used throughout
our brutal history to support the dynamic:


 In the millennia since the time of the Vedic Rishis
science has taken the measure of the
size and the mass of the Cosmos.
It is scientific reality that our Cosmos
had a beginning and we are evolving.
We live in a material Cosmos that is dynamic:
where Being is Becoming
and spacetime is expanding.


 For our Cosmos a new darshan could be:
               Self                                  Self
                    Not-Self                           Not-Self
                              Awareness                            Love
                                     =Creation                      =Co-inherence
where the darshan for the Creator is
                                            = The One


 This scientific darshan cannot be used
to justify dynamics that lead to ignorance, or hatred,
duality, or War.
This scientific darshan calls for dynamics that lead to an
expansion of Awareness and Love
and acknowledgement
of Unity.


 Which darshan would you embrace?
Why cling to a darshan for a Cosmos
in which we do not exist?